Facebook is the Goliath of Social Media. Facebook has 700 million users daily. In an average week, there are more than 645 million views on local Facebook Business Pages and over 13 million comments on them. With all that traffic you want to be part of the movement and conversation.
Here are 5 tips to make your “Social Media Footprint" with Facebook:
- 80/20 Rule. 80% of your activity on Facebook is “Listening" and 20% is “Talking" (Posting). Social Media listening helps you understand real conversations, real people, and what they want. Listening isn't about numbers. Listening is the most important part of a conversation. Before you dive into a river of conversations, you need to understand what people are saying about you and your brand. Learn. Understand. Then speak. Share stories. Inform and engage.
- Personalized Communication. The more you can utilize personalized communication on Facebook you will stand out against your competition. Some examples include sending a thank you for becoming a “Fan" of your business page. You can either post a comment on their wall thanking them or send a direct message on Facebook. Another example, utilize every opportunity to post on your “Friends" or “Fans" wall. You want to utilize the “Like", “Comment" or “Share" features on Facebook. You want to stay top of mind with your “Friends" or “Fans" so when they have a need for your products or services they will contact you.
- Effective Posting Techniques. You want to identify the days of the week you are going to post on Facebook. Then you want to identify the types of posts you want to make and the online sources (web sites) you will utilize for your content. It is not necessary to re-create the wheel. There is a lot of great content online. You always want to end your posts with an open ended question to get interaction and engagement. Facebook posts that include a single image generate 120% more engagement than the average post. Photos, visual images and videos are engaging and easy to digest, making them your most effective tool for content. They allow you to take a much larger portion of a user's News Feed, boosting the attention you will receive.
- Publish Your Posts During Peak Hours. Now that you have identified the days of the week to post and what to post, you're half way there. Next, you want to post your content during a time period when you will get the best return on your investment. Some of the effective times to post are during the early morning (6am to 9am MT) and late evenings (7pm to 10pm MT). You will want to track what type of response you get from your engagement encompassing the “Like", “Comment" and “Share" features on Facebook. You will also want to keep an eye on the location of your “Fans" in your Facebook Page Insights to know which time zone most of your “Fans" reside. Based on this data you can make the appropriate changes with your posting times.
- Be consistent. Social media marketing calls for consistency and patience. It takes 30 days to form a new habit. You want to implement a Social Media plan that is realistic for you, your schedule and work habits. You want to
spark and maintain brand loyalty by delivering consistent, valuable information to your audience. Be consistent with your message, brand and posts. Be committed to your plan. Implement your plan and review your plan in 30 days. Plan. Do. Review.
By implementing the above tips, this will increase your effectiveness and business results with Facebook. Chances are more of your clients are active on Facebook than any other network. This is your opportunity to connect with prospects and clients in a totally new way and build powerful advocates. You will set yourself apart from you competition. You will have enhanced business relationships. You will leave a personal, memorable and lasting impression. You want to be “Top of Mind" with your contacts, prospects, clients and referral partners. Remember to “Keep it Simple with Social Media".
LaTonia Gore is a Social Media Marketing Consultant & Trainer. LaTonia has over 15 years of business experience encompassing Social Media Marketing, Business Consulting, Training and Coaching for Real Estate and Property Management clients. She has served the Real Estate community in major business markets including Denver, Phoenix and Detroit. She specializes in business growth by leveraging Social Media for effectiveness and success.
Find LaTonia on LinkedIn
or email to gore.latonia@gmail.com